Church of the Santissima Annunziata

Church of the Santissima Annunziata

Churches Dosso del Liro

The church was built in the seventeenth century in the main square of the town to replace the Church of S. Pietro (St Peter) in Costa which Bishop Archinti judged to be too far from the town of Dosso del Liro. The imposing building was consecrated in 1699, it has a single nave with vaulted ceiling and four side chapels, and is preceded by a pronaos.
The Baroque interior preserves interesting frescoes: the side chapels are decorated with “Scenes of the Passion”, “Mysteries of the Rosary,” and “Stories of St Joseph”, while the pillars of the nave feature the four “Evangelists” and the prophets “David and Isaiah.”
The rectangular presbytery was enlarged in the eighteenth century and is framed by statues in stucco. It has a polychrome marble altar and a fresco of the “Assumption of the Virgin Mary” by Andrea Lanzani.
Of great value are the two paintings in the chapel that houses the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows attributed to Alessandro Valdani, as well as the altarpiece depicting “St Anne with Mary Child” placed on the side wall.
The counter-façade features an 18th century organ decorated with precious carvings.

Opening hours
The church is open for the mass only. View the dedicated page for the schedule.

Church of the Santissima Annunziata
