Church of Saint Giuliano

Church of Saint Giuliano

Churches Stazzona

The Church only became a parish church in 1886 and dates back to the second half of the fifteenth century, but was extensively altered in the seventeenth century. The only remains of the original structure are the arches, the chapel of the “Sacro Cuore” (Sacred Heart), although restored several times, and commissioned by the people of Stazzona who emigrated to Bologna, two stained-glass windows and the “Pietà” frescoed in the lunette above the side entrance door.
Preceded by an imposing portico surmounted by a chapel, the building has a single nave with side chapels and a larch roof supported by three pointed arches.
The Baroque-style interior preserves valuable frescoes, such as the chapel of St Rosario frescoed by Fiammenghino with the 15 mysteries of St Rosario, scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary and gold stucco decorations. The choir vault houses the Holy Trinity with Mary and St Joseph in Paradise and a fresco of St Giuliano invoking protection for Stazzona, both were created in the workshop of the Recchi brothers. Also in the presbytery are representations of the Crucifixion, the “Strage degli Innocenti” (Massacre of the Innocents), the “Ultima Cena” (Last Supper) and the Saints Carlo, Rosalia, Antonio Abate and Giovanni Battista painted at the end of the eighteenth century by Giulio Quaglio.
Of particular interest are also the organ donated in 1771 by the people of Stazzona who emigrated to Palermo and the altar in black marble with rich polychrome inlaid works.

Opening hours
Every day: 9am-6pm
Masses schedule: view the dedicated section

Church of Saint Giuliano
