Creativity and Brocantage Street Market

Creativity and Brocantage Street Market

Street & flea market
Start Time: 06/07/2019 @ 09 :00 End Time: 01/09/2019 @ 20:00 Colico
Creativity and Brocantage Street Market 1

Also in July and August in Colico it will take place the traditional Creativity and Brocantage Street Market.


  • Saturday, 6th July from 9 am in Piazza Garibaldi.
  • Sunday, 14th July from 9 am in Piazza Garibaldi.
  • Sunday, 11th August from 9 am in Piazza Garibaldi
  • Saturday, 17th August from 9 am along the promenade Via Montecchio Nord
  • Sunday, 18th August from 9 am in Piazza Garibaldi
  • Sunday, 1st September from 9 am on the Lakefront 

Organised by Pro Loco Colico (