Barbecue of the Alpine

Barbecue of the Alpine

Feast & celebration
Start Time: 03/08/2019 @ 18 :30 End Time: 04/08/2019 @ 21:00 Gravedona ed Uniti
Barbecue of the Alpine

Saturday, 3rd and Sunday, 4th August in Gravedona ed Uniti in the locality of Serenella the Alpine Group organizes a tasting grill open to the whole population with polenta, ribs, sausages and risotto!


Saturday, 3rd August:
-at 6.30pm: typical dinner.

Sunday, 4th August:
-at 12.00pm: typical lunch;
-at 6.30pm: typical dinner.

The Alpine group will donate 8000 € to the new primary school in Gravedona and Uniti, which will be inaugurated in September 2019, for the purchase of a part of the new furniture. In addition, in the last three years, the Alpine people have donated €8,500 to the Cystic Fibrosis Research Association.

In case of bad weather the event will be held indoors, always in the locality of Serenella.

Organised by Gruppo Alpini di Gravedona.